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Diabetes, Its Types, Risk Factors and Ways To Prevent It

Diabetes, Its Types, Risk Factors and Ways To Prevent It

Max Lab

May 27, 2022

In diabetes, the blood sugar levels of an individual are abnormally high or low. Due to this reason, there can be an excessive or insufficient supply of glucose in the bloodstream. As a result, the digestion of food items in the small intestine can get disrupted because glucose helps in breaking down foods before the nutrients are supplied to different parts of the body. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are observed in people of all age groups depending on their metabolism. There are some simple precautions for diabetic patients that can help them manage the condition and lead a healthier life.

Types of Diabetes 

Diabetes prevention is only possible after monitoring the blood sugar levels by taking a glucose fasting test, HbA1c test, etc. These types of blood sugar tests will help in analysing and diagnosing this medical condition. Mentioned below are four types of diabetes: 

Type 1 diabetes - Also known as insulin diabetes, this is an autoimmune disease that restricts the production of insulin, a hormone responsible for allowing glucose to enter blood cells. The main symptoms of type 1 diabetes are increased thirst, frequent urination, bedwetting in children, increase hunger, unexplained weight loss, etc. There is no prevention for this type of diabetes till now but it can certainly be managed by making certain lifestyle adjustments.

Type 2 diabetes - When the blood sugar levels of an individual are high for a significant amount of time, then they are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Along with this, the pancreas is unable to produce the insulin that is required for circulating glucose in the body. This causes an excessive amount of glucose in the bloodstream that remains unused. The indicators of type 2 diabetes are increased thirst, blurred vision, weight loss, frequent urination, fatigue, recurrent infections, numbness in the hands and/or feet, etc. A sugar test can help in checking the blood sugar levels for diagnosing as well as managing this metabolic disorder. 

Gestational diabetes - This type of diabetes occurs only during pregnancy when the blood sugar levels rapidly increase due to lack of physical activity, obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and hormonal changes. Gestational diabetes tends to cure after childbirth. It is important for women during pregnancy to understand how to control the risk of diabetes with the help of a specialist. 

Prediabetes - A person is considered to be prediabetic when the blood sugar levels are higher than normal but does not qualify to be in the type 2 diabetes category. The symptoms of prediabetes are like type 1 and type 2 diabetes, so it is best to consult a medical practitioner for getting the right diagnosis. Unlike diabetes, prediabetes can be cured by making changes in lifestyle, dietary habits, etc. 

Risk Factors

There are several causes of diabetes. However, prevention measures can help people prevent this disorder. Mentioned below 6 of the most common risk factors for diabetes: 

  1. Family history - Sometimes, certain genetic factors are responsible for passing on diabetes in the family through one or both parents. 
  2. Obesity - Overweight individuals can get type 2 diabetes due to a lack of physical activity and consumption of unhealthy foods on a regular basis. 
  3. Substance abuse - Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol excessively can contribute to the risk factors for diabetes nowadays. 
  4. Prediabetes - Elevated blood sugar levels can lead to type 2 diabetes if precautions are not taken for controlling the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. If the symptoms of prediabetes persist for a few months, then it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist. 
  5. Cardiovascular conditions - High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides among other cardiovascular conditions can lead to type 2 diabetes. 
  6. A previous episode of gestational diabetes - If a woman has suffered from gestational diabetes in the past, then there are chances of getting it in the next pregnancy as well. 

Diabetes Prevention 

While diabetes cannot be cured, there are some precautions for people who are in the high-risk category. Mentioned below are useful ways to learn how to prevent diabetes before its on-set:

  1. Eat nutritious meals - Having small and nutritious meals at regular intervals throughout the day helps in keeping a check on the blood sugar levels. It is best to avoid unhealthy fats present in fast food and processed food items. 
  2. Have an active lifestyle - Inclusion of any form of physical activity is one of the most useful ways to prevent diabetes. Be it walking, swimming, cycling, or going to the gym, exercising should be made a daily ritual.
  3. Get regular health check-ups - HbA1c test, glucose fasting test, random blood sugar test, etc., are part of health packages that help in detecting diabetes. These blood tests can be conducted at least once a year to monitor glucose in an individual’s system. People who have diabetes and want to learn how to control it are recommended to get regular full body health check-ups done in order to analyse their blood sugar levels. 
  4. Quit unhealthy lifestyle habits - It is suggested to avoid smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol for preventing diabetes. These unhealthy lifestyle habits have become the most common reason behind people getting diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. 

By understanding the types of diabetes and their causes along with useful ways of prevention, this medical condition can be managed easily.

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