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The human body needs certain vitamins and minerals in order to function properly and stay healthy. These nutrients play a number of important roles, such as boosting immunity, maintaining bone health, and supporting the overall growth of a person.... Read More
Arthritis does not refer to a single disease. It is in fact, a term coined for referring to a number of diseases or conditions that affect the joints, causing pain, swelling, and/or stiffness of the joints. While it is not certain what causes arth... Read More
Bones are an essential part of our body, providing the necessary structure and support for movement. However, when they become weakened or damaged, it can lead to severe health problems. In this article, we will delve into the causes and symptoms ... Read More
Are you tired of dealing with nagging back pain that just won't go away? Whether it's from sitting at a desk all day or engaging in strenuous physical activity, back pain can be a real hindrance to your daily routine. But before you reach ... Read More
It's a good idea to have an understanding of foods rich in calcium to get what you need. Your diet should include a variety of vegetables and fruits, milk or milk products, and other high-calcium foods. Why is Calcium Import... Read More
There are many factors that contribute to healthy bones, but one of the most important is getting enough calcium. Unfortunately, not all foods are created equal when it comes to calcium content. Some contain more than others, and some are better a... Read More
Vitamin C deficiency is a condition characterized by insufficient levels of vitamin C in the body. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in many bodily functions, including the formation of collagen, absorption of iron,... Read More
Sciatica pain can be caused by lumbar disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, foraminal stenosis, piriformis syndrome and sacroiliac joint dysfunction. When it is not treated in a timely manner symptoms may progress and lead to other life-alterin... Read More
The knee is a complex joint, especially if you take into account the different ligaments and tendons that contribute to stability. Add in age-related arthritis, poor biomechanics, previous injuries or surgery, and other factors like ... Read More
Rickets is a childhood disease caused by the lack of vitamin D, which is typically inherited. Rickets causes your child’s bones to bend and break more easily. It can be caused by a lack of vitamin D and in rare cases, it's caused by othe... Read More
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