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8 Must Follow Winter Tips for Diabetes

8 Must Follow Winter Tips for Diabetes

Max Lab

Dec 22, 2023

As winter approaches in most areas of the country, it's a time when everyone requires a bit more care and attention due to the changing season. This need becomes even more crucial for individuals or their loved ones with diabetes, as diabetes is a chronic health condition that demands consistent support and consideration throughout every season. That is why it’s essential to know about the different types of diabetes and how to control, avoid, and cure diabetes in the winter season.

Different Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is believed to result from an autoimmune response, where the body mistakenly attacks itself. This reaction hinders the body's ability to produce insulin. Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes typically emerge rapidly and this diabetes can be diagnosed at any age. If a person has type 1 diabetes, daily insulin administration is essential for survival. At present, there is no known method for prevention of type 1 diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, a person's body struggles to effectively use insulin and regulate blood sugar at normal levels. This condition progresses over an extended period and is commonly diagnosed in adults. An individual may not experience any signs of discomfort with this diabetes, underscoring the importance of getting diabetes tested at regular intervals to avoid being at risk. Making healthy lifestyle adjustments can help prevent or postpone the onset of type 2 diabetes. 

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes emerges in pregnancy with no prior history of diabetes. If a pregnant woman is affected by gestational diabetes, her baby faces greater chances of health complications. However, gestational diabetes resolves after the baby is born, but it raises the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future.


When it comes to prediabetes, blood sugar levels exceed the normal range but aren't sufficiently high for a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. Prediabetes elevates the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. However, for individuals with prediabetes, participating in a CDC-recognised lifestyle change program can assist in implementing healthy measures to reverse and cure prediabetes.

Tips For Keeping Diabetes In Check This Winter

If you are thinking about how to control your diabetes this winter, then follow these 8 tips for your controlled blood sugar levels.

Healthy Eating

The cold weather during winter may lead to an inclination towards comfort eating, which can be a major factor contributing to the cause of diabetes. It's important to remember that the fundamentals of mindful eating remain consistent despite the changing weather. This includes avoiding processed and deep-fried food items, which are known contributors to diabetes. If you find yourself craving hot ghee parathas with butter, consider preparing them at home to stay away from unhealthy, refined oils often found in outside food. 

Don’t Skip your Diabetes Tests and Doctor Consultations

With the change in season, you need to monitor your blood sugar closely. Regularly get the diabetes tests like RBS (Random Blood Sugar) and (Fasting Blood Sugar) FBS tests done, to monitor the levels. If you notice any deterioration in symptoms or the emergence of new ones, it's vital to promptly consult with your healthcare provider. It is significant as you may require adjustments in your medicines and diet to aid in maintaining your sugar levels within the desired range. 

Protect Your feet

It is estimated that approximately 10 to 15 percent of individuals with uncontrolled diabetes seek medical attention specifically for foot ulcers or infections, which can escalate to a severe extent and necessitate amputation. Consequently, individuals living with diabetes must prioritise foot care by wearing socks and well-padded shoes and providing the necessary protection to their feet. 

Drink Lots Of Water

It's noteworthy for everyone, and particularly for individuals with diabetes, to ensure they stay well-hydrated. This becomes even more crucial if individuals are spending a significant amount of time indoors in a warm environment due to indoor heaters. This is because indoor heaters can deplete the humidity from the air, potentially leading to fluctuations in body temperature, making it all the more important to drink water. 

Be Physically Fit

The question of how to control diabetes in winter must be popping in your head. So here’s the answer: by exercising. Staying active can be quite challenging in weather that makes you feel like snuggling up in bed all day. The idea of getting up from a warm blanket to exercise might not seem very appealing. However, staying active not only warms you up but also promotes blood circulation. It's paramount not to neglect your fitness program. To help maintain control over your blood sugar levels during winter, try to keep moving as much as possible. You can even opt for exercising at home as an alternative.

Use Hot Water Bags In Winter (Correctly!)

It's advisable to avoid placing hot water bags in direct contact with bare skin, especially if you have diabetes. This is because individuals with diabetes may have impaired skin sensitivity due to diabetic neuropathy. To mitigate this risk, it's recommended to maintain a barrier, such as a hand towel or a folded cotton cloth, between the skin and the water bag. 

Boost Immunity

Wintertime illnesses such as the flu, bronchitis, sore throats, and others are quite common and can pose challenges for individuals with diabetes, potentially leading to more severe complications. Getting vaccinated against the flu can help protect you from falling ill. When you're out and about, it's beneficial to carry hand sanitizers with you or wash your hands frequently with soap and water. If you do become ill, it's foremost to adhere to your doctor's sick day instructions. 

Must-Have Nutritious Foods In Winter

Carrots, beetroots, fenugreek leaves, and spinach are some vegetables known to provide the necessary energy and contribute to the maintenance of blood vessels, ensuring adequate blood flow. Additionally, it's beneficial to include seasonal vegetables and fruits in your diet as they help keep the body warm and provide essential nutrients to maintain normal blood sugar levels. 

By keeping these tips in mind this winter, you can certainly have controlled blood sugar levels. Managing diabetes doesn't have to be overly challenging. Simply by paying a little extra attention to your health, embracing a healthy lifestyle, routinely monitoring your blood sugar by getting diabetes tested, and following your physician's prescribed medications, you can ensure that it doesn't become a significant challenge during winter or at any other time. 

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