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Heart Test in Sonipat List & Packages

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Heart Test in Sonipat List & Packages

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Overview of the Heart Test in Sonipat These diagnostic tests help in checking the heart's health by giving detailed information about enzymes, hormones, and proteins. In this panel, the cardiac markers analyse an individual's complete blood count, Read More

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There are multiple components of heart tests available at Max Lab since a number of enzymes, hormones, and proteins have to be analysed simultaneously. A cardiac profile test is a comprehensive panel that helps in monitoring complete blood count, cholesterol, kidney function, liver function, lipid profile, urine routine, blood glucose, troponin, C - reactive protein, etc. Hence, there is no single heart test that can provide detailed information about its health. A series of blood tests are conducted to understand the overall performance of the heart. 

Cardiac markers help in analysing the health of the heart in a comprehensive manner. Thus, people with a higher risk of getting cardiac conditions should book a cardiac profile test. These include individuals who have high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high triglycerides, fatty liver, kidney disease, etc. People who have a family history of congestive heart failure should also get these tests done every year. It is also recommended for the elderly so that their heart health can be kept in check thoroughly. 

There are several signs that can be indicative of an unhealthy heart. One of the most common symptoms is shortness of breath. This is observed among women and men alike. Coupled with chest discomfort, swollen feet, heartburn, fatigue, nausea, sleep apnea, and dizziness, a person is at high risk of a heart attack or blockage. For individuals who experience these symptoms often, it is important to get a cardiac profile test done from Max Lab. This series of tests will help determine the severity of heart-related issues in the most accurate manner. 

A cardiac profile test by Max Lab is conducted to check the heart health of an individual. This cardiac panel includes a series of tests such as a complete blood count test, hbA1c test, kidney function test, liver function test, lipid profile test, and urine routine test. The purpose of conducting these diagnostic tests is to monitor enzymes, hormones, and proteins connected to the heart muscles. Their levels can help in gauging the functioning of the heart. This is a routine health check-up recommended for people with pre-existing cardiac issues and the elderly with compromised immune systems. Max Lab provides an at-home sample collection service for this test to avoid heart attacks and other serious complications. 

Since heart disease includes a range of cardiac conditions, it is not possible to conduct a single diagnostic test. This is because a series of lab tests help in monitoring the heart’s health in a comprehensive manner. Proper diagnosis of any heart-related issue is only after a panel of tests is conducted at a pathology lab. These include a complete blood count test, hbA1c test, kidney function test, liver function test, urine routine test, lipid profile test, etc. Besides these blood tests, it is suggested to conduct an electrocardiogram or EKG, an echocardiogram, a stress test, a CT scan, and an MRI scan of the heart. With blood and image testing, a complete heart check-up is ensured by reputed diagnostic centres like Max Lab

Yes, the report of a blood test can detect heart problems in an individual but only when other diagnostic procedures have similar results. This means that several tests, blood and image, need to be conducted on an individual to analyse the overall health of their heart. The blood tests for heart-related issues check the complete blood count, hbA1c, kidney function, liver function, lipid profile, and urine. These diagnostic tests coupled with an electrocardiogram or EKG, an echocardiogram, a stress test, and the heart’s MRI, and CT scans can help in detecting heart problems in the most comprehensive manner. 

Cardiac markers such as high-sensitivity CRP, lipoprotein (a), plasma ceramides, natriuretic peptides, troponin T, etc., help in gauging the health of the heart. The tests conducted to check the levels of cardiac markers are available at Max Lab in several health packages. Besides blood tests, there are other screenings conducted on an individual to check for blockages. These include an electrocardiogram or EKG, an echocardiogram, an MRI scan, a CT scan, and a stress test. The results of these imaging tests can help in understanding the severity of heart blockages. 

Yes, the lipid profile test helps in determining heart disease. But a comprehensive analysis of the heart is best done with the help of other blood and imaging test. A lipid profile test is conducted to check the heart muscle for fat molecules (lipids). As this is a panel of blood tests, Max Lab ensures that the test reports are accurate and trustworthy. In a lipid profile, the following types of lipids are tested to help in investigating heart-related issues in an individual: 

  • Total cholesterol 
  • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
  • Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol
  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
  • Triglycerides

The cholesterol of a person is tested with the help of a lipid profile screening. This diagnostic procedure helps in determining the levels of cholesterol. A lipid profile test helps in checking total cholesterol content in the blood along with low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides. With the results provided in these blood tests, a medical practitioner can gauge the level of good and bad cholesterol present in a person’s blood and prescribe treatment accordingly.

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