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Heart Related Tests - ECG, Echo & Other Heart Disease Tests

Heart Related Tests - ECG, Echo & Other Heart Disease Tests

Max Lab

Dec 11, 2023

Regular heart health checkups are crucial for maintaining one’s overall well-being and preventing cardiovascular issues. These checkups help identify potential problems early, allowing for timely intervention and lifestyle adjustments. The purpose of heart-related tests such as the heart echo test or the cardiac profile test is to assess the functioning of the heart, detect abnormalities, and gauge the risk of heart diseases.

Additionally, heart-related tests can help healthcare providers:

  • Assess the heart’s electrical system.
  • Analyse the performance of a pacemaker or any other implanted device.
  • Check the functioning of the valves of the heart.
  • Check if there are any structural issues in the heart.

Common Types of Heart-Related Tests

There are a number of heart-related tests that check for signs of heart diseases, along with analysing the risks of developing heart diseases, such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and high blood sugar levels. Different types of tests can be used to screen for different types of heart diseases and after assessing one’s symptoms, a healthcare provider may suggest undergoing certain heart tests.  Some of the most commonly prescribed heart-related tests include:

Blood Tests for Heart Disease

Blood tests play a major role in screening for heart diseases, providing valuable insights about overall heart health. Depending on one’s symptoms and medical history, a healthcare provider may order specific tests or a comprehensive cardiac profile test.

Common blood tests used for heart disease diagnosis include:

  • BNP Blood Test

The BNP blood test measures the level of a protein called B-type Natriuretic Peptide, which is released by the heart when it is under stress or strain. High levels of BNP may indicate heart failure or other cardiac issues. A healthcare professional may order this test if one is showing symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, heart palpitations, dry cough, and shortness of breath.

  • Lipid Profile Test

A lipid profile test is a common blood test that measures the amounts of fat molecules called lipids present in the blood. Since the lipid profile test is used to detect cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, it is also known as a cholesterol test. The test can help healthcare providers monitor and screen for risks related to cardiovascular diseases. A lipid panel test is usually performed as a part of regular health checks and might be prescribed more often if one has diabetes, hypertension, smokes, or is overweight.

  • Troponin Test

A troponin test measures the level of a protein called troponin that is found in the cells of heart muscles. In case of a heart attack, the muscles of the heart are damaged and release troponin into the bloodstream. The troponin test helps in diagnosing heart attacks in patients and assessing the extent of the damage caused by it. It is usually prescribed when one is displaying symptoms that may indicate a heart attack, such as chest pain, dizziness, pain in the arms and legs, and rapid or irregular heartbeat.

Other Tests

  • Angiogram

An angiogram is an imaging scan that uses an X-ray to show the blood vessels in the body. his is a basic test for heart blockage detection. The procedure involves injecting a dye into a specific blood vessel, which enhances visibility. It is a minimally invasive test that helps in diagnosing heart-related diseases, such as coronary artery disease, blood clots, or aneurysms.

  • Echocardiogram

An echocardiogram, also known as an echo test, is another type of scan that makes use of ultrasound technology to examine the heart and nearby blood vessels. By looking at the structure of the heart and its surrounding areas, a healthcare professional can analyse how well the heart is functioning and if there are any risks of developing heart conditions. Additionally, an echocardiogram can help detect conditions such as heart failure, heart valve issues, an infection of the heart called endocarditis, or damage caused by a heart attack.

  • Electrocardiogram

Popularly known as an ECG, an electrocardiogram is another non-invasive imaging test that records the electric signals in the heart. It is used by healthcare providers to monitor the heart’s health and detect any problems that may have arisen. It is usually prescribed if one has had a history of heart problems or if one is experiencing symptoms such as irregular heartbeat, heart palpitations, dizziness, or rapid pulse.

  • Cardiac MRI

A cardiac MRI is a non-invasive heart test that uses radio and magnetic waves to create images of the heart. These images can be two-dimensional or three-dimensional and can help doctors gauge the functioning of the heart. It helps detect a number of heart diseases as well monitor the efficacy of any ongoing treatments.

Each heart health test serves a specific purpose and contributes to the detailed evaluation of overall health. These tests can also help in the early detection of potential issues, monitoring heart function, and making appropriate treatment plans.

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