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Infection Prevention Week 2022 – Stay Aware & Informed about Viral Fevers

Infection Prevention Week 2022 – Stay Aware & Informed about Viral Fevers

Max Lab

Oct 15, 2022

Never ignore the first cues of viral fever

Viral diseases that affect the body and are characterised by high temperature, burning in the eyes, headaches, body pains, and occasionally nausea and vomiting are collectively referred to as viral infections. Children and the elderly tend to have viral fever more frequently because of their lowered immunity. Viral fever is a sign of a viral infection, the underlying cause rather than the sickness itself. Any area of the body, including the intestines, the lungs, the airways, etc., can get infected with a virus. Thus, making a viral infection the cause of developing a fever. Having a high temperature often indicates the body's immune system is battling and "burning off" invader germs.

Different Kinds of Viral Infections

  • Viral Skin Infections: Symptoms of viral skin infections include pimples or rashes. These viruses are spread by skin-to-skin contact while some are also airborne. You risk contracting such viral diseases using shared towels or public swimming pools.
  • Respiratory Viral Infections: Infections of the nose, lungs, and airways are caused by respiratory viruses. They spread by the inhalation of virus-containing droplets. The spread of such respiratory diseases can be stopped by frequently washing your hands with sanitizers or soap, covering your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, and avoiding contact with sick persons. Disinfecting hard surfaces and avoiding touching your mouth, nose, or eyes also contribute.
  • Food-borne Viral Infections: Food poisoning is usually caused by viruses. The phrase used to describe the symptoms is Viral Gastroenteritis. The method by which food-borne viral diseases spread is known as faecal-oral transmission. When a person who got sick due to this virus does not wash their hands after using the bathroom, they risk infecting others when they shake hands, touch anything or make food.

Keep an eye out for these signs of viral fevers.

The signs and symptoms of a viral fever might differ based on the kind of viral infection and from person to person. Following are the typical viral fever symptoms common to a wide majority of viral infections: -

  • A severe fever that can reach between 103–104°F
  • Headache (moderate to severe)
  • Congestion or a runny nose
  • Mild to severe joint pain (arthralgia) and muscle discomfort (myalgia)
  • Dehydration
  • Both diarrhea and/or stomach ache
  • Vomiting and nauseous
  • Fatigue
  • Unwell throat
  • Dizziness
  • Chills
  • Eyes that are burning or are red
  • Swelling of the face
  • Rash on the skin
  • Reduced appetite

What Causes Viral Fever?

You can get infected with a virus in a variety of ways, including:

  • Some instances that can transmit the virus from one person to another are sharing food, clothes, beverages, etc.
  • Contaminated water can also result in viral fever, particularly in children.
  • It can also be spread by contacting an infected person's body fluids while engaging in sexual intercourse.
  • Insect bites like mosquitoes or ticks can transmit the virus that causes viral fever from these insects to people. Therefore during the monsoon season, chances of catching a viral fever are high because mosquitoes breed in stagnant waters like coolers and potholes. Consequently, doctors recommend getting a viral fever test like the dengue test, chikungunya test, malaria test or fever panel test done if the high temperature doesn't go down within five days.


Every third week of October, International Infection Prevention Week (I.I.P.W.) is commemorated to raise awareness among key constituencies and the general public about the value of halting the spread of diseases and infectious agents. The I.I.P.W.'s objective is to learn more about infection control and how it may enhance patient security. The dates for this year's event are October 16–22.

When Does a Viral Infection become Severe?

Nearly everyone has had the flu or a severe cold at least once in their life. However, such diseases can occasionally be quite hazardous to one's health. The following are some situations where a virus-driven illness can be deemed severe:

  • Symptoms and complaints that last for longer than seven days
  • Having a high fever for more than five days
  • Breathlessness
  • New reddish rashes or patches on the body

A stitch in time saves nine; be proactive about the diagnosis and treatment of viral fevers.

Treating Viral Fevers

The type of virus and the severity of the symptoms of viral infection affect viral fever therapy. Doctors typically try to provide medications like paracetamol or ibuprofen for low-grade viral fever. Warm baths and electrolyte drinks can easily treat muscle pains, fatigue, and diarrhea.

Your doctor can advise taking an increased dose of paracetamol more regularly to ease the discomfort of high-grade fever (every 4-6 hours). You shouldn't stop taking your doses without a word with your doctor. Critically ill patients might get paracetamol intravenously to reduce their temperature and bring it closer to normal.

Moreover, antibiotics may be recommended by your doctor to stop bacterial illnesses from spreading. They must be taken exactly as directed in terms of dosage, frequency, and duration.

People commonly turn to over-the-counter (OTC) viral fever medications to treat their symptoms. However, self-medication can be detrimental because it can result in significant issues or following the erroneous prescription. Therefore, a doctor should be visited if you want a proper diagnosis, treatment and medication.

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