The Complete STD package screens and detect sexually transmitted diseases. This package is used:
To screen for sexually transmitted diseases
For detection of STIs like HIV, HSV
For risk detection in individuals or ones who have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases
STIs can be transmitted by:
Having unprotected/protected sex with an infected individual,
Having oral/anal sex,
Rupturing of
The Complete STD package screens and detect sexually transmitted diseases. This package is used:
To screen for sexually transmitted diseases
For detection of STIs like HIV, HSV
For risk detection in individuals or ones who have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases
STIs can be transmitted by:
Having unprotected/protected sex with an infected individual,
Having oral/anal sex,
Rupturing of condom during sex,
Sex with multiple partners
Sharing infected needles for drugs, piercing or razors for shaving,
Skin contact with the infected discharges
What does the Complete STD Package cover?
RPR (Rapid plasma reagin)/ VDRL (Venereal disease research laboratory) test in Mumbai/
Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG Antibody
TPHA (Treponema pallidum haemagglutination) test in Mumbai
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- The Complete STD package screens and detect sexually transmitted diseases. This package is used:
To screen for sexually transmitted diseases
For detection of STIs like HIV, HSV
For risk detection in individuals or ones who have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases
STIs can be transmitted by:
Having unprotected/protected sex with an infected individual,
Having oral/anal sex,
Rupturing of
The Complete STD package screens and detect sexually transmitted diseases. This package is used:
To screen for sexually transmitted diseases
For detection of STIs like HIV, HSV
For risk detection in individuals or ones who have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases
STIs can be transmitted by:
Having unprotected/protected sex with an infected individual,
Having oral/anal sex,
Rupturing of condom during sex,
Sex with multiple partners
Sharing infected needles for drugs, piercing or razors for shaving,
Skin contact with the infected discharges
What does the Complete STD Package cover?
RPR (Rapid plasma reagin)/ VDRL (Venereal disease research laboratory) test in Mumbai/
Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG Antibody
TPHA (Treponema pallidum haemagglutination) test in Mumbai