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Asthma: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Asthma: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Max Lab

Sep 28, 2022

Asthma is a long-term disease in which the airways get narrow and cause swelling which then produces extra mucus. It is a chronic condition, meaning that a person who has asthma has to live with it every day. There is no treatment for asthma but it can be managed using ways so that it does not affect your day-to-day life. People who are diagnosed with asthma start to feel symptoms when the airways tighten, causing inflammation and filling them with mucus. There are three types of asthma namely exercise-induced asthma, occupational asthma which is caused by workplace irritants such as chemicals, gases or dust and allergy-induced asthma. Due to asthma, the airways of the human body always are a little swelled inside the lungs.  The airways hence become extra sensitive when exposed to any virus, allergens or any sort of irritants.

Types of Asthma

Asthma can be broken down into various types based on the cause and severity. Healthcare providers define asthma as: -

  1. Intermittent: This type of asthma comes and goes, and the patient feels normal between the flares.
  2. Persistent: Persistent asthma means that the patient has asthma most of the time. The signs and symptoms of this asthma type can be mild, moderate or severe.

Other types of asthma include: -

  1. Exercise-induced asthma: This asthma is triggered by exercise or prolonged activity.
  2. Occupational asthma: This type is caused by exposure to allergens or irritants in the workplace.
  3. Asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS): This type happens when you have both asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Besides this type, asthma can also be: -

  1. Adult-onset: This asthma starts after the age of 18 and is hence called adult onset asthma. There are many causes that can trigger signs and symptoms of asthma in adults, including allergies, environmental irritants, etc.
  2. Pediatric: Also known as childhood asthma, this type typically starts before the age of 5 and happens to infants and toddlers.

Causes of Asthma

Some major causes of asthma include:

  1. Genetics: If someone in your family has a history of asthma, then you have a higher chance of developing it.
  2. Allergies: Allergies can raise your risk of developing asthma.
  3. Environmental factors: Some people can also develop asthma due to external factors that irritate the airways, such as smoke, allergens, toxins, fumes, etc. These can be particularly harmful to infants and young children whose immune systems are still developing.
  4. Respiratory infections: Certain respiratory infections, including respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), can harm the developing lungs of young children.

Asthma Triggers

Now that we know about what asthma is, it’s also necessary to understand the triggers to which the symptoms respond and worsen: -

  1. Infections such as cold and flu;
  2. Allergies from fur, feather or pollens;
  3. Mould or damp;
  4. Emotions like stress or laughter;
  5. Sudden weather changes;
  6. Tobacco smoke
  7. Exercise

Once an individual knows the reason asthma is caused due to which specific trigger, trying to avoid these can prevent asthma for getting worse. Let’s have a look at the various signs and symptoms of asthma along with the reasons:

The major signs and symptoms of asthma are: -

  • Airway Blockage

Usually, when an individual breathes, the bands of muscles around the airways are relaxed which allows the air to move freely. But, in a person who is diagnosed with asthma, the muscles tighten and this makes it harder for the air to pass through the lungs.

  • Airway Irritability

People diagnosed with asthma have very sensitive airways that overreact and narrow down when they come in contact with allergens or viruses that could trigger their asthmatic conditions.

  • Inflammation

Asthma leads to red and swollen bronchial tubes in the lungs. This inflammation can further damage the lungs. It is important to manage asthma to avoid serious problems in the long run.

Besides these, genetics, pollution and modern hygiene standards are believed to be the main reason for the occurrence of asthma in a person. The problem, signs and symptoms of asthma in adults are

  1. Coughing;
  2. Wheezing or making a whistling sound when breathing;
  3. Shortness of breath;
  4. Pain in the chest;
  5. Lack of sleep due to breathing problems

Signs that someone’s asthma is worsening:

  1. The asthma symptoms are more frequent and bothersome
  2. More frequent need for a quick-relief inhaler.
  3. Increasing difficulty in breathing as assessed with a peak flow meter that measures lung function.

Signs and symptoms of an asthma attack can differ from person to person. An asthma attack can worsen very quickly. So, it becomes extremely necessary to treat the symptoms right away. Pollutants in the air irritate the airways and are also a cause of how asthma spreads to human beings.

Diagnosis of Asthma

For the diagnosis of asthma, the healthcare provider before ordering any test will discuss the personal and medical history and enquire about the signs and symptoms. An individual may also be referred to a lung doctor, called a pulmonologist, or a specialist in allergy and immunology. On the basis of the physical examination, an individual might be ordered a function test, and chest and sinus x-rays to be sure of the condition. Severe asthma can be dangerous for an individual so it is important to take the prescribed course of medication and visit the healthcare provider frequently to enquire about the adjustment in medications.

Treatment of Asthma

Treatment can help you manage the signs and symptoms of asthma. Some common medications used for asthma breathing treatments include:

  1. Bronchodilators: These medications work by relaxing the muscles around the airways, leading to dilation and improved airflow. They are essential for quick relief during asthma attacks.
  2. Anti-inflammatory medicines: These medications reduce inflammation in the airways, decreasing swelling and mucus production.
  3. Biologic therapies for asthma: These are particularly used for severe asthma when symptoms persist even after proper inhaler therapy.

Asthma medications can be taken in different ways including using the metered-dose inhaler, nebulizer or another type of asthma inhaler.

Living With Asthma

Here are some tips that can help manage your asthma symptoms daily: -

  1. Know your triggers: Know the triggers that provoke your asthma symptoms, such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, or smoke. This way you can avoid them.
  2. Understand your medications: Consult your healthcare provider to learn how to properly use your asthma devices, ensuring that you're taking your medications correctly. Create a schedule to help you take your prescriptions consistently at the same time each day.
  3. Create an asthma action plan: Work with your healthcare provider to develop a written asthma action plan that outlines daily management strategies, asthma triggers, medication usage, and steps to take during an asthma attack.
  4. Make healthy lifestyle choices: Improve your lifestyle by getting good sleep, maintaning a healthy weight, managing your stress, and quit smoking if you need to. You should also talk to your doctor and find a exercise routine that works best for you and won’t trigger your asthma.

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