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Electrolytes Panel Test: Types, Procedure, Purpose & Levels

Electrolytes Panel Test: Types, Procedure, Purpose & Levels

Max Lab

Nov 23, 2023

Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals commonly found in the blood, tissue, urine, and other bodily fluids. From managing the movement of fluid in cells to controlling muscle and nerve activity and carrying essential nutrients around the body, they play several different roles. Other than this, electrolytes also help in removing waste products from the body and keeping the water and pH levels of the body stable.

There are a number of electrolytes found in the body. Some of the most essential ones include:

  • Sodium: This nutrient plays a major role in controlling the fluid levels in the body. Along with this, adequate levels of sodium also ensure that all the nerves and muscles in the body continue to work properly.
  • Chloride: Like sodium, chloride is required to maintain healthy fluid levels in the body as it controls excessive fluid production. In addition to this, it helps maintain healthy blood volume and blood pressure.
  • Potassium: This electrolyte is responsible for heart rhythm and the proper functioning of muscles.
  • Bicarbonate: Bicarbonate has several functions in the body such as maintaining the body's acid and base balance and moving carbon dioxide through the bloodstream.

The body gets these electrolytes from foods, beverages, and supplements. They should be present within certain limits or it can lead to an electrolyte imbalance. There are various things that can cause this condition, with dehydration being the most important one.

What is an Electrolytes Profile Test?                                       

Often referred to as a metabolic panel, an electrolyte test is a simple screening that helps measure the levels of different electrolytes in the body. It is also known as a serum electrolyte test, which means this is a blood test. Generally, a well-priced s electrolyte test is performed to diagnose an electrolyte imbalance. Other than this, it helps find out if there is some kind of fluid imbalance or an imbalance in the acid and base levels of the body.

Need for an Electrolyte Blood Test

An electrolyte imbalance can indicate the presence of some serious health issues, such as high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, etc. This is when the need for an electrolyte profile test arises. Here are some of the common symptoms of electrolyte imbalance:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Confusion and irritability.
  • Fatigue.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Weakness.
  • Irregular heartbeat.
  • Numbness or tingling sensation in limbs, fingers, and toes.

If an individual exhibits any of these symptoms, a medical practitioner may suggest a blood test to check the electrolytes present in the body.

Result Interpretation & Next Steps

In an electrolyte profile test, the results include measurements for each electrolyte (sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate). It is always recommended to consult the doctor as soon as the test reports are received. They will perform a diagnosis by determining which electrolyte is affected and whether the levels are too low or too high.

However, abnormal electrolyte levels do not necessarily mean there is a major health issue. Several things can affect an individual’s electrolyte levels such as sudden fluid loss due to excessive vomiting or diarrhoea. Besides this, certain medications like antacids, may also cause a temporary electrolyte imbalance. The doctor will also take factors like age, medical history, etc., into consideration to determine if there is something that needs medical attention.

Generally, electrolytes are measured together by performing an electrolyte blood test. But sometimes the doctor may also suggest separate testing when they suspect a problem with a specific electrolyte. Moreover, the doctor may prescribe additional tests to find out the root cause of the problem. These tests may include:

  • Anion Gap Test: This test uses the results of a serum electrolytes test to measure the difference between electrolytes with a positive charge and those with a negative charge. When this difference or gap is too high or too low, it may indicate an issue with the lungs, kidneys, or other organs.
  • Blood Gas Test: As the name suggests, this test measures the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and acids in an individual’s bloodstream. Typically, this blood test is performed to find out the cause of an acid-base imbalance.

Now, there is no need to make online searches like “electrolyte test price” or “cost-effective electrolyte test near me”. Max Lab offers a wide range of lab tests, including the s electrolytes tests, heart tests, and more, at a reasonable price. One can make an online booking and also avail of their quick doorstep sample collection service.

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