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Muscle Atrophy: Meaning, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Muscle Atrophy: Meaning, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Max Lab

Jul 18, 2024

The meaning of muscle atrophy implies a condition when there is a loss or thinning of muscle tissue. The size of the muscle is reduced and as a consequence, there is a loss of strength and mobility. It is also known as muscle wasting which is usually caused by lack of physical activity, malnutrition, age or genetics. Depending on its type, a healthy diet and regular exercise can reverse this condition. Muscle atrophy leads to muscle weakness and causes disability. It can be treated by changing lifestyle, physical therapy or undergoing surgery.

Types of Muscle Atrophy

Physiologic Atrophy

This type of atrophy is caused when you do not use your muscles enough and in most cases, this can be reversed with exercise and a healthy diet. People with this type of muscle atrophy disease have health problems that limit movement.

Pathologic Atrophy

This type of atrophy is prevalent among ageing individuals. It can also be caused by starvation and diseases such as Cushing disease which means your body overproduces cortisol hormones as a result of using medication for a long period. Pathologic atrophy occurs when your body lacks nutrition and has cancer or other diseases that cause muscle atrophy.

Neurogenic Atrophy

This type of atrophy is considered one of the most severe types. When compared with physiologic atrophy this one is prone to occur more suddenly. It is caused by an injury or other nerve disease connected to the muscle.

Symptoms of Muscle Atrophy

Depending on the cause of your condition or type, the symptoms of muscle atrophy may differ. It can also be asymptomatic and go unnoticed until a significant amount of muscle is lost. You have to be extremely cautious so it can be treated before it is too late. Reduced muscle mass is one of the obvious symptoms additionally, other signs and symptoms of muscle atrophy may include:

  1. Increased weakness, is a predominant symptom.
  2. Difficulty or inability to perform physical tasks.
  3. Difficulty in standing from a seated position.
  4. Atrophy of the throat muscles may cause difficulty in swallowing.
  5. Gradual memory loss.
  6. Difficulty in walking or simply balancing.
  7. Atrophy of the diaphragm can cause difficulty in breathing.
  8. Numbness or tingling in your arms and legs.
  9. Weakness in one arm or one leg.
  10. Physically inactive for a long period.

Causes of Muscle Atrophy

Listed below are some of the main causes of muscle atrophy: -

  1. Poor nutrition – It can give rise to numerous health conditions including muscle atrophy.
  2. Age – When people get old their bodies can barely produce any protein that promotes muscle growth. This eventually leads to muscle atrophy.
  3. Neurological problems – The nerves that control muscles can be damaged easily from an injury or condition.
  4. Medical conditions – Diseases that cause muscle atrophy are:
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: This type of disease is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease and has several types that can damage the motor nerve cells that control the muscles.
  • Arthritis: This refers to the pain and stiffness caused by the inflammation of the joints. It can severely limit a person’s mobility and is one of the reasons for muscle atrophy.
  • Myositis: It is a condition that causes muscle weakness and pain. One can develop myositis after a viral infection.
  • Polio: It is an infectious disease that attacks the nervous system, causes flu-like symptoms and can result in permanent paralysis.

Treatment for Muscle Atrophy

Depending on your diagnosis and the severity, treatment for muscle atrophy will be provided accordingly. It is of utmost importance to know the cause of muscle atrophy. Your doctor may ask you to provide your complete medical history. Moreover, any underlying condition must be addressed. Some common treatments include the following:

  1. Passive exercises and water exercises can assist with moving and stretching.
  2. Muscle atrophy therapy includes physical therapy and ultrasound therapy. Physical therapists can teach you the correct ways to exercise whereas, ultrasound therapy is a non-invasive technique that uses sound waves to aid in healing.
  3. If malnutrition is the cause, then a doctor may suggest dietary changes or supplements.
  4. Surgery is needed for contracture deformity which means your skin or muscles are too tight and prevent you from moving.
  5. Functional electrical stimulation is another effective treatment for muscle atrophy.

While significantly losing muscle mass, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can cure muscle atrophy. The treatment may vary depending on an individual’s condition. The first and foremost point is to visit a doctor, to know the cause and type of muscle atrophy as the treatment will be provided accordingly. Factors such as malnutrition, age, neurological problems, medical conditions and more can cause muscle atrophy and based on these factors the treatment procedure may vary.

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