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Could You Need a Kidney Function Test? Find Out Here

Could You Need a Kidney Function Test? Find Out Here

Max Lab

Apr 01, 2022

The kidneys play an important role in maintaining overall health. One of their most significant functions is to maintain the electrolyte levels in the body and to filter and remove waste and excess water from the blood, which is then discharged from the body as urine. Regular monitoring with the various tests that a KFT includes can go a long way in helping maintain kidney health.

The KFT includes a range of tests that are used to determine how effectively the kidneys are performing their functions and how rapidly waste is being eliminated from the body. There are also some urine tests that can be performed to determine if the kidneys are releasing an excessive amount of protein, which is one of the main causes of kidney disease as well.

What is the KFT Test?

The kidney function test of KFT is a panel of tests that are used for the detection and diagnosis of impaired kidney function. What tests are done to check kidney function under the KFT panel or if a person needs to include other tests will depend on their health, risk factors, symptoms, etc. and can be prescribed by a doctor. In general, the KFT requires a blood sample, which is used to measure levels of substances like calcium, chloride, uric acid, protein, etc. in the blood, which is how doctors check kidney function.

KFT: What Tests are done to Check Kidney Function

The KFT includes a range of blood tests that are performed to measure the levels of various substances in the blood:

  • Bicarbonate
  • Calcium and Total Calcium
  • Chloride
  • Creatinine
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Urea
  • Uric Acid
  • eGFR (Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate)

Of these, the eGFR is a crucial element of how doctors check kidney health. The rate of filtration is determined after considering factors like creatinine levels, age, gender, etc.

How to Know You Need to Check for Kidney Function?

Before one can determine if they need the test, it is important to understand what a KFT test is used for:

  • As a part of routine health checks
  • To detect kidney diseases
  • As screening for people who are at high risk of developing kidney issues
  • To monitor the efficacy of kidney disease treatments

Consider Your Risk Factors

The major risk factors for developing kidney diseases include:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Age (people over 60 years of age are more susceptible to kidney diseases)
  • Family history of kidney disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Smoking
  • Obesity

Look for Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Kidney disease causes a number of symptoms that people should look out for. These include:

How to detect a kidney problem on the basis of symptoms: While a single symptom on its own may not indicate a kidney problem, several occurring simultaneously may indicate improper kidney function. The kidney function test report helps doctors determine if someone has kidney disease, keeping other affecting factors in mind, so they can prescribe further testing if required.

As a Part of Regular Health Checks

There are many cases where people may be suffering from kidney disease but may not show any symptoms, especially if the disease is in the early stages and is progressing. On the other hand, some people show mild symptoms like nausea or fatigue, which are easily ignored or may be attributed to some other pre-existing condition. That is why it is extremely important to ensure one undergoes regular kidney function tests to keep a track of their kidney health.

Interpretation of Kidney Function Test Results

Abnormal results and increased or decreased levels of the parameters that are measured under a kidney function test panel may indicate a number of conditions, that may or may not be related to the kidneys. For example, consuming cooked meat, heavy exercise, etc. can lead to raised creatinine levels. So, it is important to consult a doctor for the proper interpretation of kidney function test results and for prescribing further testing, if required.

Kidney diseases are very common these days and being aware of one’s risk factors, the symptoms to look out for and the importance of regular screening, etc. are crucial for early detection and treatment of the same.



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