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Third trimester of pregnancy symptoms
09 May 2023 03:00 PM
The third trimester of pregnancy is a period in which many changes occur within the body, and women may experience an array of symptoms. These symptoms can vary from person to person, but some common ones include increased fatigue, shortness of breath due to the growing uterus pressing against the diaphragm, and swollen feet or ankles due to fluid retention. Many pregnant women also report experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions during this time as their bodies prepare for labor. As the baby grows larger and begins to put pressure on internal organs such as the stomach and bladder, heartburn and frequent urination become more common. Additionally, it's not uncommon for expectant mothers to feel anxious or overwhelmed at this stage of pregnancy as they approach delivery day. Therefore it is important that expecting moms maintain healthy habits like eating nutritious meals frequently throughout the day while staying hydrated with plenty of water along with getting enough rest when possible.