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When to Test Your Random Blood Sugar

When to Test Your Random Blood Sugar

Max Lab

Apr 01, 2022

Random blood sugar is a test that is performed for measuring the amount of glucose in the blood. The test can be performed at any given time using a blood sample. Random Blood Sugar or RBS check-up is prescribed to people when they show classic symptoms of high blood sugar levels or when they are diagnosed with diabetes. A random blood sugar test helps in the careful monitoring of blood sugar levels to check whether they are within the normal range. RBS test also help in monitoring how well the treatment for diabetes is working. Unlike most other tests for checking or monitoring sugar levels, the random blood sugar test does not require any fasting prior to sample collection, and a blood sample can be drawn at any time of the day. If the glucose level during the random blood sugar test is measured at 200 mg/dl or higher, it is considered to be a clear indication of diabetes. Here is more information about random blood sugar tests, the purpose of getting the sugar test, and when one may need to get it performed.

What is a Random Blood Sugar Test?

A random blood sugar test is a quick blood test used to diagnose diabetes and is usually performed by pricking the tip of the fingers to draw a small amount of blood. The random blood test is primarily prescribed for the diagnosis and management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes.

The carbohydrates that a person ingests through the food they eat are broken down into glucose which is converted into energy. The body produces a hormone called insulin, which helps the glucose reach all the vital organs for generating energy. But when the body does not produce enough insulin or reacts abnormally to the produced insulin, it results in a medical condition which is known as diabetes, where the sugar builds up in the blood, leading to elevated levels of glucose. A Random test for blood sugar is one of the tests that can be performed to check the glucose levels in the blood. If the person has higher blood sugar levels than normal, a doctor may recommend a follow-up test for the confirmed diagnosis of diabetes, followed by a suitable treatment plan.

What is the Purpose of the Random Blood Sugar Test?

Random blood sugar tests are primarily performed for an initial diagnosis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. The RBS test can also be used for monitoring conditions like hypoglycaemia, where the blood sugar levels are much lower than usual. A random blood sugar test may also be prescribed for a person who is showing symptoms that may be indicative of high blood sugar levels, like frequent urinating, excessive thirst, extreme fatigue or tiredness, unexplained weight gain or loss, etc. People with diabetes are also suggested to conduct random blood sugar tests at home or from a pathology lab to monitor their blood sugar levels.

When to Test Random Blood Sugar

A doctor will be able to suggest the right schedule to be followed for RBS monitoring, based on why an individual requires it. However, in general, it depends on the type of diabetes an individual has and the treatment plan they are undergoing.

Type 1 Diabetes

People with Type 1 diabetes may be required to check their glucose levels with random blood sugar testing anywhere from 4 to 10 times a day, including:

  • Before having their meals or snacks
  • Before and after exercising
  • Before going to bed
  • Sometimes during the night

They may be recommended to do the test more often in special situations, like if they are unwell, if there’s a change in their normal routine, or if they have started a new medication.

Type 2 Diabetes

People with type 2 diabetes who are managing the condition with non-insulin medication or through lifestyle changes may not be required to undergo frequent random blood sugar tests.

If someone is using intermediate insulin or long-lasting insulin, they may be required to perform the random blood sugar test only before having breakfast or sometimes before their dinner or bedtime. On the other hand, people who are taking multiple insulin injections, based on the amount and type of insulin, may be asked to perform the test several times a day, generally before meals and bedtime.

Gestational Diabetes

The risks caused by gestational diabetes can be reduced significantly with the proper management of one’s blood sugar levels. Based on the condition and severity of gestational diabetes, a pregnant woman may be asked to check her sugar levels before breakfast and one hour after each meal for tracking the blood sugar. A doctor will be able to suggest the right frequency based on the patient’s condition and treatment.

Random blood glucose testing does not require much preparation before the test and can also be performed at home with ease, which proves to be helpful for people who need to perform the test several times during the day.


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