Max Lab
Jul 21, 2022
Kidneys perform many important functions in a person's body, such as clearing waste products and excess water in the form of urine. They also help in maintaining blood pressure, bone health, and the production of red blood cells. Furthermore, kidneys control the pH, salt, and potassium levels in the body. They also release hormones that control blood pressure and regulate red blood cell production. Kidneys are also in charge of activating a type of vitamin D that allows the body to absorb calcium for bone development and muscle function.
Acute kidney injury or disease is defined as kidney disease that lasts less than three months. Chronic kidney disease is defined as having been present for more than three months. Even if the kidneys make a full recovery in the case of acute kidney injury, it can still have long-term health effects. That’s why one should maintain kidney health regularly. This blog post outlines some effective ways to keep kidneys healthy.
Regular exercise is extremely beneficial. It has the potential to reduce the risk of renal disease. It can also lower one’s blood pressure and improve heart health, both of which are essential in the prevention of kidney diseases. It is not necessary to run marathons to reap the benefits of exercise. Walking, playing, cycling, and sometimes even dancing are all beneficial to one's health. Finding an activity that keeps an individual occupied and having fun with it will be relatively easy to stick to it and achieve excellent results.
As cliched as it may sound but drinking 8 glasses of water every day offers great benefits when it comes to keeping kidneys healthy. Besides, it keeps an individual hydrated. Water facilitates the removal of sodium and toxins from the kidneys. It also reduces the chances of developing chronic kidney disease.
One should at least aim for 1.5 to 2 litres of water every day. The amount of water an individual requires is largely determined by their health and lifestyle. When planning everyday water intake, consider factors such as climate, exercise, gender, general health, and whether or not an individual is pregnant or breastfeeding. Those who have already had kidney stones must drink a little more water to help prevent further stone deposits.
Make healthy food choices such as fresh fruits, whole grains, frozen or fresh vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free dairy items. Consume nutritious foods and limit intake of alcohol, salt, and added sugars. Each day, limit sodium intake to less than 2,000 milligrams. Try to keep added sugars to less than 10% of caloric intake. Besides, try to cook with different combinations of spices instead of just salt. When eating pizza, you can choose healthy toppings like broccoli, spinach, peppers, etc. When cooking meat, chicken, or fish, try to grill them instead of frying them.
Choose foods that have little or no added sugar. Each day, consume whole grain foods like whole wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-grain corn. For sandwiches or toast, use whole-grain bread; for home-cooked meals and when dining out, use brown rice instead of white rice. Start keeping a written record of eating habits for a week. It can help an individual in recognizing when they tend to overeat or consume foods high in fat or calories.
Diabetes is a condition that is caused by high blood sugar which can increase the risk for kidney damage. When an individual's body cells are unable to use the glucose (sugar) in the blood, their kidneys have to work extra hard to filter it. However, if one can keep blood sugar under control, one can minimise the chances of damage. Furthermore, if the damage is detected early, the doctor can take action to minimise or prevent further damage.
Kidneys are extremely important to an individual’s overall health. These organs are in charge of a variety of functions, including the processing of bodily waste and the production of hormones. As a result, taking good care of kidneys must be the main priority for individuals to stay in the pink of their health. The best thing one can do to keep their kidneys healthy is to live an active and balanced lifestyle. If an individual has a chronic medical condition that puts them at risk for kidney damage or disease, it is advised to work closely with a healthcare professional to look out for signs of kidney-related problems. The aforementioned tips will help an individual to take care of their kidney health.