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Typhoid Fever: Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Prevention

Typhoid Fever: Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Prevention

Max Lab

Jun 28, 2022

Typhoid fever is a severe infection that can affect different organs. It is an acute ailment caused by a bacterium called Salmonella typhimurium (S. Typhi). A person gets affected by the bacteria through contaminated food or drinking water. Typhoid fever is common in different parts of the world where proper hygiene is lacking, and people have limited access to clean and safe water and food. Most cases of typhoid fever occur in returning travellers from affected countries that can pass on the infection to others. Here is everything to know about typhoid fever, including its symptoms, causes, tests, and prevention.

Symptoms of Typhoid

What are the symptoms of typhoid fever?

It can take 6 to 30 days after contamination for typhoid fever symptoms to appear. While a high fever and rashes are the two most common symptoms, some other signs and symptoms of typhoid are:

If the infection is not treated immediately, the symptoms continue to get worse in a few weeks. It increases the risk of severe complications. It can also lead to a fatal condition called sepsis (bloodstream infection), and symptoms of this condition include severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea.

Typhoid Causes

What causes typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever is caused by the S. Typhi bacteria that spread through food and water contaminated with feces and urine. When bacteria enter a person’s body, it swiftly multiplies and reaches the bloodstream. There are some risk factors that can increase the chances of typhoid fever. These are:

  • Coming in contact with an infected person
  • Living in unhygienic conditions
  • Frequent travelling to areas where typhoid is common
  • Working as a clinical microbiologist and handling Salmonella typhi bacteria

Is Typhoid Contagious?

Yes, it is contagious. An infected person can pass the bacteria without even experiencing any symptoms.

What are the Stages of Typhoid Fever?

There are four different stages of typhoid fever, and each one lasts for 5 to 7 days. People tend to develop symptoms gradually across 4 stages of typhoid fever.

  • The First Stage

This is the first of the stages of typhoid fever. In this stage, the infected person is in the asymptomatic phase or may feel initial symptoms of typhoid such as headache, dry cough and indolence.

  • The Second Stage

At this stage, patients start developing clear symptoms, including high fever and stomach pain. Confusion and hallucinations are also common during the second stage.

  • The Third Stage

By the third phase, the bacteria have already started circulating in the blood. The patient develops a high fever, along with flu-like symptoms. He may also experience difficulty in walking, standing, or sitting up.

  • The Fourth Stage

This is the final of the 4 stages of typhoid fever. The fourth stage of typhoid fever is related to an extremely high fever. There are many other health complications, such as kidney failure, severe infections, inflammation of the pancreas, or pneumonia. A long course of antibiotics is crucial for the patient to throw out the typhoid-causing bacteria from the body.

When to Visit the Doctor

Timely treatment is crucial for avoiding the complications of typhoid fever. So, in case someone is displaying any signs and symptoms of typhoid fever, it is crucial to consult a healthcare provider. If one is travelling to a foreign country, they should understand the basics of how to recover from typhoid and should have a list of embassies, consulates, and a list of providers they can consult.

Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever

How is typhoid fever diagnosed?

A diagnosis of typhoid is undertaken by identifying the presence of the typhoid-causing bacteria, Salmonella typhi, in the blood, urine, or stool samples. Also, a Typhi Dot test is performed to detect IgM antibodies against the bacteria. If the Typhi Dot IgM test result is positive, it means the person has an initial stage of infection. A bone marrow culture test, one of the sensitive tests, can also be prescribed by doctors but only for patients who have received antibiotics and do not experience any improvement in their condition.

Before the test, it is imperative for the patient to inform the doctor about recent travel to an area where typhoid is common or getting exposed to someone who has the infection.

Typhoid Fever Treatment

What is the treatment for typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever can generally be cured with a course of antibiotic medicines. While an infection can be easily treated at home, hospital admission may be required for those with severe symptoms of typhoid fever. Knowing how to recover from typhoid is essential for proper treatment.

Signs of Recovery from Typhoid

There are several signs of recovery from typhoid, including relief from the symptoms of the different stages of typhoid. The other signs are listed below:

  • Improved appetite.
  • Relief from pains and aches, like headaches, abdominal pain, and aches in other parts of the body.
  • Fever reduces.
  • Reduced lethargy.
  • Easing of diarrhoea.
  • Relief from congestion in the chest.
  • Relief from discomfort.

How Long does the Typhoid Fever Last After Treatment?

The symptoms of typhoid fever may start diminishing within 2 to 4 weeks with proper treatment. However, bacteria may live in the body for a few months, and the person can spread the infection to others. The patients have to take further courses of antibiotics to remove the bacteria. It is recommended for the patients to avoid preparing or handling food until the typhoid test results show that they are free from bacteria.

Weakness after Typhoid

Cases of weakness after typhoid and weight loss that may affect patients for months of recovery are quite common.

How to Recover from Typhoid Weakness

Knowing how to recover from typhoid incude following a strict and healthy diet plan and taking some antibiotics. Here’s more on how to recover from typhoid weakness:

  • Stay Hydrated: Diarrhoea is among the most common symptoms that come with typhoid fever, leading to excessive water loss and dehydration. Increasing the water intake through barley water, buttermilk, electrolyte-fortified water, fruit and vegetable juice, soup, and eating fruits rich in water content can help ensure that the body stays hydrated.
  • Medication: Sometimes people may experience their symptoms vanishing and do not complete the course of the medication. However, the alleviation of symptoms may have been caused by the medication, which will not be effective in the long term if the entire course is not completed. It may be a good idea to consult a doctor who can test for the presence of typhoid bacteria in the body.
  • The Diet: It is important to have a calorie-rich diet when recovering from typhoid as calories can provide the strength and energy needed by the body, which in turn will aid recovery from weakness and weight loss after typhoid. Calorie-rich foods like white bread, bananas, and boiled potatoes can be added to the diet for quicker recovery.
  • Dietary Recommendations: Dairy products, foods rich in omega-3, tea with tulsi, ginger, and cardamom, rice kanji with lemon and ginger, and a decoction of patola leaves, triphala, neem, musta, vatsaka, katukarohini, and raisins. On the other hand, there are also several foods that should be avoided, like coffee, fats, nuts, certain fruits, legumes, whole grains, raw vegetables, and spicy foods.

Typhoid Fever Prevention

 How can I reduce my risk of typhoid fever?

  • Get vaccinated against typhoid fever
  • Avoid drinking untreated water while travelling
  • Practice safe eating and drinking habits
  • Avoid eating raw fruits and vegetables without washing them properly
  • Practice frequent hand washing with warm and soapy water

If left untreated, typhoid fever can be fatal, especially during the third and fourth stages of infection and beyond. It is vital to be aware of the symptoms and get tested early to start treatment on time. Even after one has recovered, they may feel signs of weakness and experience weight loss. Following proper precautions and taking all necessary measures to recover from the weakness after typhoid is also very important.

Want to book a Blood Test?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Typhoid fever is a serious illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. It is primarily transmitted through contaminated food and water, making it more prevalent in areas with poor sanitation.

Symptoms of typhoid include:

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • General Malaise
  • Abdominal Pain 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea

Poor sanitation, consumption of contaminated food or water, close contact with infected individuals, and travel to high-risk areas are all common causes of typhoid fever. 


  • Complications can include relapse of symptoms, persistent gastrointestinal issues, and secondary infections due to weakened immunity.
  • Recovery time can vary but typically ranges from a few weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the infection and the patient's overall health.


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