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H3N2: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

H3N2: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Max Lab

Oct 16, 2023

h3n2 virus is a subtype of Influenza A. It is a common disease in pigs and humans can also get infected by the same. The virus can be contaminated through the nose, throat and lungs and can occur as flu, common cold, fever and climate change. You can get infected by the virus by coming into contact with a contaminated surface and then touching your face, eyes, or mouth. You can also get the virus if you have close contact with someone who is afflicted. Influenza flu and its complications can be very dangerous. Some groups like young children, pregnant women and senior citizens are at high risk of having flu complications. According to the Indian Medical Association, this virus generally affects people under the age of 15 or above the age of 50.

Symptoms of H3N2 Virus

This virus is very similar to the common flu and people having Influenza A virus can experience flu-like symptoms. Some of the h3n2 symptoms are:

H3N2 Virus Diagnosis

Only your doctor can diagnose whether you are with the flu or not. A diagnosis is obtained based on your symptoms, a physical exam, and often a quick h3n2 flu test performed with a nose or throat swab.

Vaccine For H3N2 Flu

Vaccinations against the flu shield the general public from serious illnesses and symptoms. Regretfully, there isn't a vaccine that can particularly protect against H3N2 flu. Three to four different flu virus strains are protected against by the yearly flu vaccine.

Nonetheless, compared to H3N2 viruses, these flu shots offer greater protection against H1N1 and influenza B viruses. This occurs because the vaccine is less effective against H3N2 viruses due to their higher frequency of genetic mutations compared to other viruses.

H3N2 Virus Treatment

Visit your doctor right away if you feel any flu-like symptoms. If your doctor confirms you have the flu, your treatment will differ depending on your age, overall health, and length of illness. If you've been unwell for more than 48 hours, then antiviral medications aren't going to help you. You may also be told that an antiviral drug is unnecessary if you are not at high risk of flu complications.

Even if antiviral medications are not available, there are critical things you may do to give your body a fighting chance, such as: Taking medications to alleviate your symptoms like fever, cough or cold. This may shorten the length of your illness and prevent any further complications. Getting plenty of rest to keep your body and mind at peace will help you recover fast. Drinking lots of fluids like juices, soups, water etc. to stay hydrated. Getting enough sleep will help your body to fight the illness. Consuming Home-cooked meals with low spices and less oil will help you digest food without wasting more energy. Avoiding cravings and high sugar-sodium diets will be a good option to shorten the length of your illness.

Your doctor may prescribe you Antiviral medications if your case is more severe or you have any underlying health conditions.

If you experience severe symptoms of the flu, get medical care right away. For adults, these symptoms can include: -

Severe symptoms in children include all the above-mentioned adult symptoms, as well as: -

If you are suffering from the h3n2 Influenza A virus, it is advisable to avoid going out in public places to prevent the spread of the infection. You must rest at your home for at least 24 hours after the fever has gone away.

Can H3N2 Flu Be Prevented?

There are steps you can take to lower your risk of getting infected.

  • Practicing good hygiene habits can also help prevent H3N2 flu. This includes washing your hands frequently with soap and water, using hand sanitizer when soap isn't available, and avoiding close contact with sick individuals.
  • Another preventive measure is covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing, as this helps prevent the spread of respiratory droplets containing the virus. Properly disposing of used tissues and regularly cleaning commonly touched surfaces can further reduce transmission.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, eating nutritious foods, and getting enough sleep also plays a role in boosting immunity against infections like H3N2 flu.
  • While these preventive measures cannot guarantee complete protection from contracting H3N2 flu, they certainly improve our defenses against it.

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